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YWCA 2021 Presidential Inauguration Virtual Watch Party

It’s #YWCAGoTime...Until Justice Just Is

Join YWCA as we commemorate the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and kick-off our 2021 advocacy efforts. Now, more than ever, YWCA’s mission binds us together to strengthen our communities and our democracy. Collective action to advance our advocacy agenda will yield the change our nation desperately needs. It’s #YWCAGoTime to forge a world where justice, just is!

Go by taking action. Read YWCA’s Legislative Priorities for the 117th Congress then sign up for the action center and make your voice heard on issues related to eliminating racism and empowering women.

Go by taking a stand. Register for Stand Against Racism, starting January 18.

Go by staying connected. Follow us on social media through the media center.

Go by donating. Help support the YWCA and our ongoing efforts.

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Unless you say otherwise, you understand and agree that YWCA USA may edit, use, publish, distribute, and republish any materials for work with the media or on public education efforts. You also understand that you have no rights to the materials, will not be compensated for the use of the materials, and waive all rights to inspect or approve uses of materials, now or in the future.
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