On April 3, 2024, the National Housing Conference will host its Solutions for Housing Communications convening at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. This hybrid convening is the only national convening for housing communications leaders.
Solutions for Housing Communications will feature a session called, "The Power of Words: Shaping the Narrative on Housing." From the detrimental effects of stigmatizing terms to the uplifting potential of inclusive and empathetic language, this panel seeks to illuminate the critical role that words play in influencing public sentiment and policy decisions on housing issues. Through real-world examples and case studies, panelists will unravel the impact of language choices on public opinion, political discourse, and the implementation of housing-related strategies. Attendees will gain insights into the responsibility communicators bear in crafting messages that foster understanding, compassion, and support for equitable housing solutions.
Join housing experts, thought leaders, policymakers, and journalists from across the United States for sessions exploring communications and messaging strategies for successfully expanding awareness about the importance of affordable housing both at the national level and within local communities.