Public Hearings on Upcoming Housing Legislation
Councilmember Shayla Favor, Chair of the Housing, Homelessness, and Building Committee, will hold a second public hearing to share with the community regarding the upcoming housing legislation. The hearings will focus on proposals for the Vacant and Foreclosure registries and the Relocation Policy Code Change. During the hearing, updates will also be provided on the following housing initiatives:
· Rent Increase Notification (Led by Councilmember Favor)
· Wholesaler Regulation (Led by Council President Hardin)
· Accessory Dwelling Units (Led by Councilmember Remy)
· Rental Registry (Led by Councilmember Bankston)
The hearing is an opportunity for residents to learn and provide input on each legislative piece.
· Vacant and Foreclosure Registry: This legislation would give the ability to have up-to-date contact information for the owners of foreclosed or vacant properties and legally hold property owners responsible for leaving abandoned properties in disrepair. View the proposed Foreclosure Registry legislation here.
· The Relocation Policy Code Change: This legislation would amend Columbus City Code Chapter 4509 to address relocation services for emergency vacated tenants due to landlord negligence. You can view the proposed code change here.
Councilmember Shayla Favor
President Pro Tem Rob Dorans
When and Where:
July 10
5:00 PM
90 W Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43215
Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
Watch live on Youtube
Watch live on Facebook
To provide written or in-person three-minute (3) testimony on Wednesday, July 10th, please email Kendra Asiedu,, with the title the subject line "July 10 Hearing Testimony" include your NAME and ADDRESS by 12 pm on Tuesday, July 9th.