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Remaking the Economy: COVD-19, Recovery and the Black Community

NPQ’s latest webinar in our Remaking the Economy series builds on a recent 6-article series of ours titled Black Male Leadership: Nonprofit Voices, Truth, and Powerwhich we published this fall. In that series, Black nonprofit leaders highlighted the unique challenges they face, as well as ways to move forward. Here we continue that conversation with three authors from that series and do so within the context of an economic and health crisis that has disproportionately harmed Black Americans.

Our panelists are:

Tony Pickett is CEO of the Grounded Solutions Network, a Black-led national nonprofit based in Washington, DC, which supports inclusive housing policies, community land trusts and multiple other housing models with lasting affordability.

Marcus Littles is founder and senior Partner at Frontline Solutions, a Black-owned national social impact consulting firm with offices in Washington, DC and Durham, North Carolina.

Khary Lazarre-White is cofounder and executive director of The Brotherhood/Sister Sol (Bro/Sis), a youth development and educational organization based in Harlem.

This webinar will explore:

  • What is the state of Black male leadership in the nonprofit sector? What would decolonization of the nonprofit sector look like?

  • What are action steps that can move nonprofits toward racial justice?

  • How do race, gender, and class intersect amid the health and economic crisis that is COVID-19?

  • How can we democratize our politics as well as our economics? What new stories and narratives need to be advanced?

  • How has the state of the movement evolved since Black Lives Matter formed? What learning has occurred?

  • How can the creativity of Black leadership best be mobilized?

  • The pernicious health impacts of racism and how to address those both within and beyond the Black community

  • What role can philanthropy play in supporting Black leadership in the movement for economic and racial justice?

Whether you’re a nonprofit leader, board member, or engaged in community-based organizing, this webinar will provide you with real-life examples and lessons learned that can inform your work in your own community.

The moderator for this webinar is NPQ Economic Justice Program Director Steve Dubb. Steve has worked with cooperatives and nonprofits for over two decades and has been both a student and practitioner in the field of community economic development.

You can send your questions to to have them answered during the web event.


*The recording and slides of this webinar will be available on the NPQ website 2-3 days after the live event.