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Fair Lending and Servicing in a Post-CARES Act World

The financial services industry has never seen a year like 2020.

The impact of COVID-19 has created new challenges, and the national spotlight on racial inequalities has heightened expectations for lenders and loan servicers. In the midst of it all, consumer groups and government agencies have been monitoring lenders closely for fair lending and fair servicing compliance outside the sphere of the pandemic and civil rights. 

Join us as expert panelists in compliance, fair lending and fair servicing provide perspectives on the latest developments in lending to diverse markets, supervision and enforcement trends and consumer advocacy priorities and initiatives. Panelists will share what’s around the corner by giving updates on regulatory expectations with respect to mortgage forbearances and modifications and administering PPP loans. 

Join us for what we expect to be a thought-provoking and highly relevant presentation.

Date & Time: September 22nd, 1 pm CT
Session 1: 1 pm CT – The State of Fair Lending
Session 2: 1:45 pm CT – The State of Fair Servicing
Company: Asurity