Columbus knows how to solve problems. Days numbered for affordable housing crisis.

We can work together to solve affordable housing problem

When Central Ohio decides to solve a problem, consider it a done deal.

Providing opportunity and access for every resident to receive free COVID tests and safe, effective vaccines? Creating a pathway to college for every Columbus City Schools’ graduate? Becoming Ohio’s premiere economic powerhouse? Done.

As an affordable housing advocate, it makes me proud and encouraged to live in a community that comes together to solve big problems.

We have a huge housing problem on our hands—tens of thousands of homes are needed in our community and that gap keeps getting bigger.

 The Columbus Dispatch reported that Columbus will have the fifth hottest housing market in the country. Good if you’re selling a home…not so if you’re buying, renting, or struggling to keep up with property taxes.

The City of Columbus and Franklin County are collaborating and targeting housing as a priority to address, now. The region’s new Recovery and Resiliency report identified 37 strategies to ensure we emerge from COVID-19 stronger than before. The first seven strategies move us closer to solving the affordable housing puzzle. And our elected officials aren’t waiting for the ink to dry to get to work.

To raise awareness about the existing resources available in Greater Columbus to help pay rent, the City and County teamed up with a number of nonprofits to launch, an online relief hub for landlords and tenants. It dispels common rent assistance myths, provides eviction information localized to Franklin County, and connects people to places where they can get relief funds.

Considering that one in four Ohio renters don’t know how they’re going to pay rent this holiday season, sharing this tool far and wide could help make the holidays – and beyond –brighter for a neighbor, colleague or family in need.

Watch out, housing crisis, when Central Ohio addresses a challenge, together, consider it done.

Bill Hinga, senior vice president for business development at Wallick Communities and Affordable Housing Alliance of Central Ohio board of directors member