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Health Equity in Housing Webinar Series, Part 2: Building and Maintaining Safe and Affordable Homes

In "Building and Maintaining Safe and Affordable Homes," the second webinar in our three-part series, presenters from the Temple University Center for Public Health Law Research, the National Low Income Housing Coalition, and ChangeLab Solutions will explore research and best practices for how we can build health equity in housing by improving and maintaining housing quality and by increasing and maintaining housing affordability. The panelists will revisit the goal of health equity in housing and the importance of a holistic systems approach before exploring research and existing efforts to increase access to safe and affordable housing, support housing code enforcement, and ensure healthy housing for all. Like the Temple University reports that inspired it, the Legal Levers for Health Equity in Housing webinar series explores the goal of health equity in housing through the lens of laws, policies, and other legal mechanisms to understand how those “levers” may support broad-reaching systems change to establish access to safe, affordable housing in richly diverse and supportive neighborhoods. The series is co-sponsored by the National Center for Healthy Housing, the National Low Income Housing Coalition, and the Center for Public Health Law Research at Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. Presenters: • Katie Moran-McCabe, JD, Special Projects Manager, Center for Public Health Law Research at Temple University’s Beasley School of Law • Andrew Aurand, Vice President for Research, National Low Income Housing Coalition • Greg Miao, JD, MS, Senior Attorney, ChangeLab Solutions Watch the first webinar in this series, "Creating Equitable, Diverse Neighborhoods and Communities," at Read the Legal Levers for Health Equity in Housing report series, published by the Center for Public Health Law Research at University’s Beasley School of Law, at