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When the Rental Assistance Runs Out: The Future of Eviction Diversion

Many jurisdictions across the country have exhausted their federal Emergency Rental Assistance funds. While ERA funds have been instrumental in addressing the needs of landlords and tenants over the past many months, there are still many ways that court-based eviction diversion can work across the country. We invite you to join a virtual roundtable discussion on Friday, December 10, from 3-4 pm ET to share programs, practices, and ideas of how courts can innovative and continue partnering with mediation, navigators, housing counselors, and civil legal services to meet the needs of all court users in eviction proceedings. Some ideas are scrappy and can be implemented even without additional funding. Other options will require an investment of funds, and panelists will frame ideas for how courts can build something special and long-lasting when there is, hopefully, additional funding available to support this work.